Thursday, July 21, 2005


Spreckles: a nickname for my older sister, selected by herself as we drove past a town, Spreckles, CA. Her nickname stuck, probably because she selected it. Hers always stick. She named me Auggie, and Joyce Goik. I refuse to admit that mine was originally Autistic Auggie. It was a Rainman impression!

I just got to spend four glorious days with Nora. On the last of which she apologizes for the time we had to waste getting her car fixed. No problem, I was spending time with her. But you had to spend it with the grumpy Nora. Like I hadn't seen that before. Even when she's grumpy I still like her, she still laughs. We explored San Francisco, buying freakishly expensive silk purses. Okay, they were three dollars. I was alas unable to buy the cute shoes in Chinatown because of my massive feet, but hey, we had fun looking.

A lot of our time was spent driving. From the airport. To the city. From the city. To church. From church. To Huntington Lake. From Huntington Lake. To the airport.

Most of the time was to the lake. Ted was there running a boy scout camp. It was absolutely gorgeous! The camp was only accessible by boat, a mile across this simply breathtaking lake. Nora and I felt slightly out of place being females who wandered purposelessly through camp amid a bundle of thrifty and obedient scouts, but I was so glad to see Ted. I think he felt bad that he was often times very preoccupied with his job, and I know that his co-worker wished us miles away. She has a crush on him, which I mocked by hanging all over Ted whenever possible.

Nora and I spent the night, not in the proffered doctor's cabin but instead roughing it with only our sleeping bags rolled out on the ground in the woods. Man, we're tough. The hikes as we explored were as much fun as they were tiring but I was glad to leave and get time to rest, out of the sun and away from watchful eyes.

It was the drive back and the following afternoon that were the greatest, however. To keep ourselves awake, that is to keep Nora who was driving awake, we sang song after song for the entire five hour drive home. This inspired us to buy blank tapes and record a karaoke experience the next afternoon. We were terrible! I like to think this was because our voices were shot from the day before, but I have heard myself sing for years. I just suck. The only decent one we got out was Bye Bye Love and the stupid tape recorded the background music louder than our voices! Oh well. This will be a souvenir to cherish for a long time. Cherish, but not listen to.

1 comment:

  1. There was also a 'smothers brothers'-worthy rendition of "I got you babe." I would let people listen to that. Only that.

