I told you my Focus for the month of January was scripture study, and my project was finishing my photo albums.
Here's how I did.
This is my ideal weekly schedule. Orange is working out. Green is scripture reading, with Kevin and by myself. Red is writing. Light blue is cooking. Purple is errands and chores. The slashes are times to use productively on things like Book Club, Visiting Teaching, going to the temple, and working on my monthly projects. White is for my use, to relax, read, etc. The light gray chunks are work and church, and the dark gray perimeter is sleeping. If I were perfect with my time management, this is what my schedule would look like.
This is what my time does look like. There is definitely more sleep happening. And much more time wasted. The bright yellow represents time spent watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Netflix. An episode a day makes my nightmares much more interesting, and with wittier dialogue. Okay, so I made that last part up.
I wasn't super great at keeping my time organized, and I hardly ever exercised, but I definitely did better this month than in December. I did set aside three Wednesdays for writing, even if it wasn't terribly productive. I did schedule with Audrei our weekly exercise. I did not Visit Teach. I did write in my journal. I did email friends and call family. I did blog slightly more. I did not get chores done by noon on Saturday. I did not go to Book Club.
As far as scripture study is concerned, I very rarely studied for 30 minutes at a time, which is my ultimate goal. This month, I felt content reading a chapter a day, and I did read 25 days out of 31, which is 240% better than last month. I only got one photo album out of two pieced together, but I did spend my time on projects, mostly regarding the future house (see turquoise slashes). I twice spent an entire Saturday on that project. I also began some on my food storage, technically February's project. In the scripture reading category, I give myself a B- for the month, and in projects an A, knowing that I am going easy on myself in light of how new I am to this whole self-discipline thing.
I created a complicated grading sheet for my overall grade, which compares my actual time use to my end-of-year goal. In twelve categories, I scored myself out of 100% and averaged them for a grade of 54%. This is half of my score. My Focus is another 25% of my grade, and my projects round it out. I then gave myself an 11 point bonus (which will decrease by a point per month, thus making an identical performance worth less as time passes).
Yes, I am a freak.
But the point is that my final score for the month of January is a B- .
I blame Buffy for all of my wasted time, too. She sucked up most of last month.
ReplyDeleteThe show that I became obsessed with in January was Bones. I never watched TV before (I've always been a movie person), but with Netflix it's so easy to try an episode whenever I have 30 minutes to waste. I still don't watch it much (except when I watched all 5 seasons of Bones in a week and a half), but I have watched an episode or two of some shows that everyone else watches (30 Rock, Arrested Development), just so I'm familiar with them. Not super impressed.
ReplyDeleteBut Bones. A little bit gory, but SO good.
What program did you use to do this?
ReplyDeleteNora,I took a screen print of an Excel spreadsheet and pasted it into paint. If you are looking to track your time similarly, I know that Kevin uses one in Outlook.