Our house is in the process of getting brick. Yes, the siding is still yellow, but as there are now several houses around us under construction, I can now reports that the yellow is perfectly natural and will turn beige with time...and paint.

It seems that the mess has to get worse before it gets better.

Again with the mess.

Nothing has changed in back, but you can see the brick layers hard at work. They are almost completely done with that side of the house.

We weren't going to go inside, but seeing the drywall in the garage made us curious about the interior.

This is the dining room as seen from outside the window. The insulation and drywall are installed and you can see the arches to the entry and to the kitchen.

Here is a close-up of the brick for your viewing pleasure. You can see much more of the detail in the coloring.

The view to the living room is more obscured now that the bar is sheathed. I can't wait until there is cabinetry.

From the dining room looking out. I like the double windows. I also did not expect them.

Kevin surreptitiously snagged this shot of a man on stilts.

Entryway looking up. There will eventually be a chandelier hanging there. It will not be one of the light fixtures that I replace. I don't do well on step ladders; I'd hate to see what sort of wreck I'd be if I had to climb twenty feet up.

This is one of two windows in the master bedroom. The point of the shot, I think, was to show the ceilings. I enjoyed seeing how every edge of the ceilings were reinforced with little metal strips. You can see it in the dining room arches.

Our shower.

And bath. These were installed last time, but so full of dirty water that I decided against posting the pictures.

Our counters will go here. And I plan to change the mirror, lights and faucets, so this is the before-before picture. We didn't go upstairs during this trip, because we felt in the way.
Great pictures. This is so exciting to see the progress. Thank you for posting and describing.