In December, when I began training my replacement at the Co-op, I felt certain she would be a bad fit. Finally, Kevin and I talked it over and agreed that I should offer to come back after my Christmas vacation and work as a temp to train someone else. The pay rate for temps is half of what I was making hourly. I made the offer. I received a counter offer. I was offered my regular pay plus a thousand dollar bonus to come back and train someone else. I accepted the offer.
I am convinced that this blessing poured out from those windows the Lord promised to leave open. I also felt that this money was to help with easing the strain other charitable donations had put on us. We had been called upon to give, and we gave. Then the Lord gave back.
Just as I was finishing up at work, I got an email about another good place where my money could go. And I knew, knew, that the extra money from my bonus was meant for this. Kevin and I juggled some numbers and found ourselves able to give, again.
That's when I found the piano.
I have always wanted a piano. Always wanted, but kind of always knew that I'd never be able to afford it or to justify the expense for a beginner. But in my head floated golden evenings with Jocilyn playing hymns or Tarythe playing Broadway musicals, while the rest of us stood around them and sang. I craved a piano like I craved that golden light of memory. But it was never going to happen.
Shelly told me about a piano adoption website, and on the day that I decided to sign away the last of my bonus, I found a piano for free in Austin. Now, it's not really for free, as I have to pay moving costs and tuning, but it is cheaper than any alternative I could imagine.
And today, that piano is sitting in my dining room. It's not fancy, it's not new, but it's mine.
And I know, the way Harry knew that Ron had to be the one to stab the Horcrux, that this was a gift for obeying the Lord and for giving what I had to give. As King Benjamin taught, when we keep the commandments of the Lord, he does immediately bless us.
I have come to understand something of certain kinds of magic.
That's awesome! I hope to see a video of you playing it next - totally kidding. But a picture would be nice.