Thursday, September 28, 2006


This weekend I got a whole new perspective regarding just how long a year and a half is. If it were a single unit of time--obscure yet specific like a fortnight--I would call it a Rhea*. Now, on its own, it's not so intimidating. Just one. But looked at as a collection of smaller increments, the Rhea becomes more menacing. All apologies to my best accounting friend, to whom the following arbitrary units of measurement may be painful.

Sick days. I anticipate that in the next Rhea I will have six colds: four minor, two major. That means an innocent looking eighteen months is really a sinister 10 sick days. It is one sprained ankle, roughly 80 exams and 12 cried-over season finales.

It is one birthday (of mine), two or three family vacations, two Christmases, dozens of lesser holidays and approximately 78 family home evenings. It is two fights with Ted, two letters from Bryan, and two visits from April. It is three weddings**, 156 date nights, and probably 20 actual dates. It is one nephew (hint to Jamie) and one degree.

It is also approximately 360 emails, 156 phone calls and four visits. I'd guess that 20 of those emails will be from me, exhibiting cracks in my emotional well-being, and 20 of those phone calls will be from him making it better.

* The name Rhea comes from the beginning of rhinoceros, because 18 months is the approximate gestation period of said animal, and the ending of Flea, which insect may live said length under ideal circumstances. Rhea is also the wife of Cronus the God of Time.

** All predictions are determined by recent rates.


  1. The gestation period of a rhinoceros, the life of a flea...

    Man, Audrey, you really are a 'fountain of information about things that I never knew but always wanted to.'

    You forgot to add in there, "many phone calls from Tarythe". You'd best believe there will be! Love ya Suds.

  2. Suds huh? never heard that one before. well, I still havent since it's typed, but nevertheless the Rhea does seem rather intimidating if you put it like that. I'll have to look up what gestation means...

  3. Emilie, if you are thinking what I am thinking, then it is probably a good thing that Ted doesn't read this blog! :)
