Monday, October 25, 2010

baking bread

I called in sick to work today. And, yes, I was legitimately ill. I picked up some stomach virus, the effects of which began while traveling home yesterday. That was fun.

I knew I had to go grocery shopping today, but the task held little appeal. For one, I didn't know how I would handle being so far from a bathroom, and secondly, I didn't like to put that distance between myself and my couch. Ah, blessed couch. Hulu and Waitress have kept me company today.

I looked around the kitchen to decide what I absolutely had to buy. It came down to bread. Just bread. Everything else could wait. And I really didn't want to leave the house.

So, I baked. The bread is rising right now.

Sure, it might seem like the harder way to go about things, but I found it preferable to grocery stores and check out lines. I'd go so far as to call it therapeutic.

And that's how I spent my summer vacation.

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